Navigating Menopause with Massage Therapy: A Personal Journey

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Hi, I’m Jackie, from Jackie’s Sports Massage. As I approach my 50s, I’m beginning to experience the early stages of menopause myself. Let me tell you—it’s a whole new world! Like so many women, I’m feeling the effects: the hot flashes, the sleepless nights, and that rollercoaster of emotions. Did you know that up to 85% of women experience these pesky symptoms during menopause? It’s no wonder we’re all looking for relief, and with recent findings from the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), I’ve learned that around 75% of women are searching for non-hormonal treatments to ease these symptoms. I’m right there with you, and I want to share how massage has been a game-changer for me and many of my clients.

What Exactly is Menopause?

For many of us, menopause starts in our 40s or 50s as we transition out of our childbearing years. It’s not a single event but more of a process with three distinct stages:

Perimenopause: This is the pre-game—where your periods get unpredictable, and hormone levels start to dip. Think of it as the early warning signs that menopause is on the horizon.
Menopause: The main event! Your periods stop altogether, and you may feel the full brunt of those symptoms we’ve all heard about—hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats. For many women, this phase lasts between two to ten years. I know, that sounds like a long time!
Post menopause: Once the hormonal storm settles, you enter the post-menopausal stage. While symptoms like hot flashes may ease, this is when we’re more vulnerable to long-term health risks like osteoporosis and heart disease.

Everyone’s experience is different—some women breeze through, while others, like me, might feel like we’re stuck on a never-ending rollercoaster.

 The Symptoms That Catch Us Off Guard

When menopause hits, it doesn’t just come with hot flashes (although those are hard to miss!). Here’s what many of us deal with:

– Insomnia (if only we could sleep through it all!)
– Irritability and mood swings
– Irregular periods
– Night sweats
– Changes to our skin and vaginal health
– Fatigue that makes even getting out of bed feel like a marathon
– Memory fog (it’s not just you!)
– Anxiety, depression, and headaches
– Aches and pains in the back, neck, and shoulders

And while the immediate symptoms are tough, it’s important to remember that long-term changes like bone loss and heart disease can also sneak up on us.

How Massage Has Helped Me (And Could Help You)

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often recommended to manage menopause, but it comes with risks—like an increased chance of stroke, blood clots, and certain cancers. I know HRT isn’t an option for me because of my family’s health history, and I’ve found that many of my clients feel the same way. So, how do we manage these symptoms? This is where massage therapy has made a huge difference for me, and I believe it can help you too.

Menopause is stressful. And when we’re stressed, our symptoms can feel worse. Regular massages have helped me de-stress, relax, and even reduce the intensity of my hot flashes. It’s not just a luxury—it’s part of how I’m managing this major life transition.

Massage Techniques That Work for Menopause

Here are a few massage techniques I’ve found particularly helpful:

Swedish Massage: A classic choice, and for good reason! It’s deeply relaxing and perfect for calming your nervous system.
Myofascial and Deep Tissue Massage: If you’re dealing with tension in your back, neck, or shoulders (like I am), these techniques can really help release that tightness.
Energy Work: If your body feels extra sensitive during this time, something like Reiki or other energy-based techniques might be a gentler option.
Acupressure: This is one of my favourites! By targeting certain pressure points, we can help stimulate glands like the thyroid and adrenal glands, which play a role in hormone regulation. This has helped me with memory, focus, and yes, even reducing hot flashes.
Aromatherapy Massage: Research backs this up! A study from Tehran University found that aromatherapy massage—using essential oils like lavender and rose—can significantly reduce menopause symptoms. I’ve started incorporating this into my own routine and for clients, and it’s made a world of difference.

Why Regular Massage is Essential for Menopause

Massage has been a lifeline for me as I navigate these changes. The benefits go beyond just relieving physical symptoms like headaches or muscle tension. Massage helps me feel more in control of my body, more connected to this new chapter in life. It activates the body’s relaxation response, reducing the frequency of hot flashes and improving sleep.

Harvard Medical School even found that deep breathing and massage techniques, which activate the parasympathetic nervous system, are effective ways to regulate menopause symptoms. For me, that means fewer nights lying awake, drenched in sweat!

Making Time for Self-Care- BOOK NOW

I know it’s easy to let self-care slide when life gets busy. But trust me, during menopause, it’s more important than ever. Regular massages are a key part of my self-care routine, and I encourage you to make it part of yours too. That’s why at Jackie’s Sports Massage, I offer the option to book sessions in advance—so you can commit to taking care of yourself, even when life feels overwhelming.

Menopause is a journey, and while it’s not always easy, there are ways to make it more manageable. Massage has been my anchor, and I’d love to help you find the same relief. Let’s navigate this transition together, with grace and a little extra self-love.

Take care,


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