Massage For Kids
Starting early with regular massage is vital for our young growing bodies. Let’s help them now to grow into healthy, pain free adults.
Delve into our Services Archive to explore a range of specialised massages, each tailored to meet distinct wellness goals. From easing pregnancy discomforts to alleviating chronic pain, find a therapy that resonates with you.
They know their stuff and are able to maintain my body so that i can achieve my personal fitness goals.
Not only a joy to deal with, we always know her treatments will be truly fantastic & rehabilitative.
I’m a huge believer in massage therapy. I recommend it to everyone & proud to support Jackie.
All the staff here are well trained, friendly and professional. Flexible opening hours, and can book online.
When you buy our x 3 massages package deal on your first visit you will receive each massage at $15 off saving $45 . We are really excited to meet you and help start your new journey of muscular health and wellbeing with us here at Jackie’s.
We aim to help people achieve and maintain a high level of health and wellbeing so they can reach their personal fitness, work or life goals pain and injury free.
SOMA Gym Studio
Aurora Place, Ground floor
88 Phillip St, Sydney NSW 2000
[email protected]
02 9261 4071
Opening Hours
Weekdays – 8:00am – 9:00pm
Weekends- 9:00am – 6:00pm
Select the week you wish to book for in the calendar below to view available appointments